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James Rawson’s Postmodern Pop Art

James Rawson mixes painting & collage to create colourful pop cultural compositions

James Rawson: We love the paintings of British artist James Rawson, defined as a postmodern pop artist, who blends painting and collage to create explosive and colourful compositions filled with references to movies, brands, comics, and other iconic pop cultural products and objects. While his work reflects on popular culture of the last 50 years, James Rawson also depicts associated social problems such as over-consumption, poverty, junk food, and the omnipresence of advertising. We’d kill for one of his pieces on our wall – awesome work! 🙂

Yuichi Ikehata – Fragment of Long Term Memory

Yuichi Ikehata's creations are blurred memories caught between illusion & reality

Yuichi Ikehata: An impressive body of work situated between illusion and reality, Fragment of Long Term Memory is a fascinating series by Japanese artist Yuichi Ikehata, who blends sculpture, photography, wire, ceramic, and paper to create surreal images representing incomplete and blurred memories of her own body.

Kiszkiloszki’s GIFs are Masterpieces!

Kiszkiloszki transforms classic art into funny & unique GIFs

We LOVE the original creations of Kiszkiloszki who is having fun transforming famous paintings into funny and unique animated GIFs. From Michelangelo to René Magritte, Van Gogh, and Leonardo da Vinci, Kiszkiloszki takes these classic masterpieces and puts a 2016 spin on them. Awesome stuff! 🙂

Bobbugs – Master of Disguise

Bobbugs creates unique & slightly offbeat self-portraits

Bobbugs: A prop master for U.S. TV shows, Michael Gump, aka Bobbugs, has created Master of Disguise, an awesome project where he covers himself with assorted colourful objects, such as LEGO, plastic ducks, cotton buds, cookies, paint, lollipops, pens, pizzas, temporary tattoos and so on, filling his instagram with unique and slightly offbeat self-portraits. LOVE it! 🙂

Emergence Lab by Thomas Medicus

Emergence Lab combines six paintings in a single translucent cube

An impressive and beautiful anamorphic sculpture imagined by artist Thomas Medicus, Emergence Lab is an amazing creation that combines six different paintings in a single translucent cube. The pieces of the different paintings were created on 216 strips of acrylic resin, laser-cut and then arranged in a cube filled with a silicone oil. Mesmerising!

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Tony Futura – THE • UNSEEN

Tony Futura creates simple images with a twist

Tony Futura: We LOVE these awesome conceptual creations by Tony Futura, a visual artist based in Berlin who floods his Instagram and Tumblr with surreal and offbeat images, having fun transforming icons of pop culture and everyday objects into visual, colourful, and hilarious compositions. GOLD! 🙂

Romain Laurent – One Loop

Romain Laurent creates awesome new animated GIFs

Romain Laurent: We love this selection of new animated GIFs from talented French artist and photographer Romain Laurent, who continues to create awesome portraits using the technique of cinemagraph – photographs with a small animated loop. Fantastic work!

Caiozzama – Iconic Street Art

Caiozzama creates satirical collages about modern society

Caiozzama: We love the clever satirical collages of Chilean street artist Caiozzama, who plays with the symbols of consumerism and icons of modern society, such as social media and the logos of major global brands. Based in Santiago, Caiozzama’s creations respond to current events taking place in the world, thanks to the sharp and keen eye of the artist, and are a visual commentary on the impacts of globalisation. Awesome stuff!

Ivan Alifan – It’s Not Milk

Ivan Alifan creates fascinating oozing & dripping portraits

Ivan Alifan: We love these large format oil paintings created by Russian artist Ivan Alifan, who uses visual ambiguity to generate curiosity, intrigue and slight disgust in his series It’s Not Milk. Through these dripping and oozing portraits, Ivan Alifan explores ideas of sexuality and eroticism with an unsettling modern gaze. Fantastic stuff!

Eating Makeup – What Did We Just Watch?!

Eating Makeup is our WTF of the week

Eating Makeup: Ummm ok, well this is a very strange short film, trashy and completely twisted…so we obviously love it! Imagined and directed by the LA artist Jennifer Juniper Stratford, if you ever wondered what a beauty vlogger’s worst nightmares are made of, we think ‘Eating Makeup’ is a good starting point…Enjoy and Happy Friday, peeps! 🙂

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