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Domenic Bahmann – Stop Think Make

Domenic Bahmann's fresh take on life's everyday objects

Domenic Bahmann: We love this new selection of creations by Australian designer and visual artist Domenic Bahmann, aka Domfriday, who likes to fill his Instagram with interesting conceptual compositions, playing with life’s everyday objects to create funny and somewhat offbeat images.

Maysgrafx – Psychedelic Art of Justin Mays

Maysgrafx mashes digital collage and glitch design

Maysgrafx: Loving the psychedelic creations of Justin Mays, aka Maysgrafx, designer and animator based in Los Angeles, who mixes digital collages and glitch art to create visually explosive and colourful neon compositions. Selected art prints by Maysgrafx are currently available for purchase via society6 – Awesome stuff! 🙂

INPUT/OUTPUT by Terri Timely

INPUT/OUTPUT is a clever and slightly surreal short film

INPUT/OUTPUT: Directed by the talented Terri Timely and Park Pictures, INPUT/OUTPUT is an interesting, clever, and somewhat surreal short film, made up of the small moments in everyday life. Awesome, Love it! 🙂

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Ashly Stohl – Charth Vader

Ashly Stohl captures some of the darker moments of childhood

Ashly Stohl: In her Charth Vader series, photographer Ashly Stohl captures her young son Charlie wearing a Darth Vader mask in order to illustrate some of the darkest moments of childhood. Behind this light-hearted reference to Star Wars and pop culture, Ashly Stohl tries to remind us that for her son suffering from ocular albinism, like for many other children, childhood is not only made of joyful moments. Awesome work 🙂

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Charlie Davoli – Dream Weaver

Charlie Davoli creates unique and surreal Instagram photos

Charlie Davoli: We love the work of photographer Charlie Davoli who creates unique and surreal Instagram images which lead you into a dreamlike universe, mixing fantastical landscapes, gigantic characters, and surprising compositions. An amazing series, Charlie Davoli is certainly worth following – check out the selection of pics we’ve posted below. 🙂

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Socality Barbie – Instagram’s Newest Hipster

Socality Barbie documents the life of a hipster Barbie

Socality Barbie: Socality Barbie is the Instagram account of a hipster Barbie, who is now at more than 699,000 followers. An unexpected and ironic success, Socality Barbie was created by a professional photographer, based in Oregon, who wanted above all to parody the similarity of all Instagram accounts. Very funny and clever – Barbie never looked so random 😉

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Dismaland Bemusement Park Trailer

Dismaland Bemusement Park gets its own promo vid

Dismaland Bemusement Park: So on the back of its opening, Banksy has released the official trailer for his Dismaland Bemusement Park art installation which highlights several pieces Banksy curated from more than fifty artists around the world, collectively providing a dark and decayed view of theme parks and commercial recreation. Love it!! 🙂

Dismaland Bemusement Park

Dismaland presented by Banksy

Dismaland is a satirical group exhibition inspired by Disneyland

Dismaland: So we lost our shit when we saw street artist Banksy had finally unveiled Dismaland, a satirical group exhibition inspired by Disneyland. Dismaland brings together many artists from around the world in a giant parody of our consumer society as seen through a trashy, decaying theme park. After rumours and first photos began popping up on the web, the Dismaland project released an official website presenting a map of the park, but also the list of artists including Damien Hirst, Josh Keyes, Escif, Axel Void, Brock Davis, Espo, Mike Ross and of course Banksy. The Dismaland exhibition, located in the Weston-super-Mare in the UK, is open from 22nd August until 27th September 2015. Amazeballs! – LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE  🙂


David Lynch – ‘The Alphabet’

David Lynch does the ABCs in this bizarre short film

David Lynch: In 1968, director David Lynch created the short film ‘The Alphabet’, a bizarre and slightly terrifying recitation of the ABCs that seems to invoke and reflect an extreme fear of learning. This work is very interesting and helps reiterate David Lynch as a true artist in every sense. Definitely worth a watch.

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Balls by Mimi Leung

Balls is animated gold and our video OTD

Balls: Inspired by the athleticism and sports-loving nature of Australians, digital artist Mimi Leung started thinking about the huge variety of balls-related games out there, made a list of types of balls and set that list to music. She then took this idea and developed an animated video, hand drawn, frame by frame, for the song which focuses on speed, fluidity and…well…balls! This is awesome, enjoy! 🙂

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