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Archive For: Art

James Rawson’s Postmodern Pop Art

James Rawson mixes painting & collage to create colourful pop cultural compositions

James Rawson: We love the paintings of British artist James Rawson, defined as a postmodern pop artist, who blends painting and collage to create explosive and colourful compositions filled with references to movies, brands, comics, and other iconic pop cultural products and objects. While his work reflects on popular culture of the last 50 years, James Rawson also depicts associated social problems such as over-consumption, poverty, junk food, and the omnipresence of advertising. We’d kill for one of his pieces on our wall – awesome work! 🙂

Yuichi Ikehata – Fragment of Long Term Memory

Yuichi Ikehata's creations are blurred memories caught between illusion & reality

Yuichi Ikehata: An impressive body of work situated between illusion and reality, Fragment of Long Term Memory is a fascinating series by Japanese artist Yuichi Ikehata, who blends sculpture, photography, wire, ceramic, and paper to create surreal images representing incomplete and blurred memories of her own body.

Oscars 2016 Best Picture Nominees…in LEGO

Oscars 2016 'Best Picture' contenders get LEGO-fied

Oscars: To celebrate the Oscars 2016Toscano Bricks have recreated the 2016 ‘Best Picture’ nominees in LEGO – The Big Short, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant, Room, Spotlight. Very clever – enjoy! 🙂

OscarsOscars 2

PACMAN gets a Live-Action Short Film

PACMAN: Come Out to Play is a new gritty film by Fury Fingers

PACMAN: Inspired by the 1979 cult gang film The Warriors, PAC-MAN: Come Out to Play’ is a gritty live-action short film of the classic Pac-Man arcade game created by Australian movie studio, Fury Fingers. Rocking a late 70s/early 80s inspired track, PACMAN takes fight choreography cues from Jackie Chan to give the film a fun and retro 80s feel. Awesome work – love it! 🙂


Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory’s Modern Trailer

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory gets a suspenseful new thriller trailer

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory: Ryan Shukis has created this awesome modern thriller trailer for the classic 1971 musical fantasy film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Still one of our favourite films – Great work! 🙂

willy wonka & the chocolate factory

Kiszkiloszki’s GIFs are Masterpieces!

Kiszkiloszki transforms classic art into funny & unique GIFs

We LOVE the original creations of Kiszkiloszki who is having fun transforming famous paintings into funny and unique animated GIFs. From Michelangelo to René Magritte, Van Gogh, and Leonardo da Vinci, Kiszkiloszki takes these classic masterpieces and puts a 2016 spin on them. Awesome stuff! 🙂

Vincent Van Gogh Doll with Detachable Left Ear

Plush Vincent Van Gogh Doll is our Product OTD

Vincent Van Gogh: Just when you think you’ve seen it all, The Unemployed Philosophers Guild, makers of the ‘Little Thinkers‘ line of plush dolls of historical, artistic, and literary figures including Kurt Vonnegut, Edgar Allan Poe, Leonardo da Vinci, Eleanor Roosevelt, Karl Marx, Nikola Tesla etc, have released a very unique Vincent van Gogh doll. What makes the van Gogh doll remarkable from the others is that the left ear can be removed and reattached – the perfect gift for an art lover with an ironic sense of humour. Love it! 🙂

Vincent van GoghVincent van GoghVincent van Gogh

David Zinn’s Latest Chalk Creations

David Zinn specialises in improvised & light-hearted chalk art

David Zinn: We love the latest creations by artist David Zinn who mixes street art with chalk and anamorphoses, enhancing the streets with his awesome characters. Having fun playing with perspectives and street elements, David imagines quirky and offbeat urban scenes featuring his cute characters, which are mostly improvised and light-hearted – you can keep track of his latest works by following him on Instagram.

Isabella Giancarlo – Eat Your Heart Out

Isabella Giancarlo turns the words from break-ups into delicious pastries

Isabella Giancarlo: What better way to mend a broken heart than by eating your emotions? With her Eat your heart out series, Isabella Giancarlo turns the difficult words remembered from break-ups into delicious pastries, as a way of dealing with the heartache and playing down the pain, encouraging people to send her phrases from their splits to turn into cakes and pies. You can also follow Isabella’s creations via her Instagram account. Love it! 🙂