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Archive For: Art

Alexey Zakharov – The Old New World

Alexey Zakharov creates a steampunk photo-based animation

“The Old New World” by Alexey Zakharov is a fantastic animation that uses historic photos of major U.S. cities to travel back to the early 20th century via an elaborate CG steampunk time machine. Love it! 🙂

Alexey Zakharov Alexey Zakharov Alexey Zakharov Alexey Zakharov Alexey Zakharov

Tilt Brush is Google’s New 3D Paint App

Tilt Brush allows you to create artwork in a 3D environment

Tilt Brush is an exciting new application by Google that uses virtual reality to paint in 3D. This combination of art and technology allows you to create paintings in a three dimensional environment, through brushes of course, using unlikely materials such as fire, stars, or snowflakes – below is a great demo vid featuring street artists Faith47 and Tristan Eaton trying it out. The new Tilt Brush app is currently available for the HTC Vive headset. This is so very awesome!! 🙂

Tilt Brush Tilt Brush Tilt Brush Tilt Brush Tilt Brush

Elke Vogelsang – Dog Portraits

Elke Vogelsang's portraits capture the personalities of dogs

We love these awesome animal portraits by German photographer Elke Vogelsang who captures the different and individual personalities of dogs with some very expressive photographs. Dogs rule! 🙂

Andy Kennedy – Slow Wave

Andy Kennedy imagines your dreams with surreal short film 'Slow Wave'

Brooklyn NY filmmaker, animator, and musicianAndy Kennedy imagines what your nights look like while you’re dreaming (or having nightmares) with his surreal and mesmerising animated short film ‘Slow Wave’. Awesome stuff! 🙂

Andy Kennedy Andy Kennedy Andy Kennedy

A.L. Credo transforms Street Art into GIFs

A.L. Credo creates awesome animated GIFs from famous street art

Loving the creations of A.L. Credo a motion designer who has fun transforming artworks of many famous street artists into clever animated GIFs. Awesome work! 🙂

Steven Siegel – New York in the 80s

Steven Siegel captures a decaying & apocalyptic 1980s New York

Steven Siegel is an American photographer who captured New York from the 1980s in very raw, almost apocalyptic, images. Through his fascinating photographs focused on urban decay, wastelands, and abandoned spaces, Steven Siegel reveals a time when New York City was a much more dangerous and broken-down place – risky, dirty, and chaotic yet somehow had a sense of honesty, openness, and freedom which according to him was lost after 9/11. You can check out all of Steven Siegel’s work on his Flickr account. Amazing stuff! 🙂

Sesame Street does ‘Regulate’ by Warren G & Nate Dogg

Sesame Street's awesome ‘Regulate’ mashup is our video OTD

Mylo the Cat has nailed it again with this latest mashup of Bert, Ernie and the cast of Sesame Street performing “Regulate” by Warren G and Nate Dogg. Love it! 🙂

Sesame Street

Sugar Bakers Bakery – Flower Lollipops

Sugar Bakers Bakery inserts edible flower petals into lollipops

We love the amazing creations of Janet Best, an American confectioner and owner of Etsy shop Sugar Bakers Bakery who inserts colourful and edible flower petals, such as blueberry flowers, pansies, and daisies, into her original and bespoke sugar lollipops. Fantastic stuff! 🙂

McDonald’s does Anime Ad in Japan…Kawaii!

McDonald’s Japan releases awesome new anime commercial

McDonald’s in Japan have just released an awesome new commercial as a very ‘kawaii’ anime which tells the story of a new, nervous yet enthusiastic employee in a video containing all the classic codes of Japanese animation. So cool! 🙂

McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's

Playboy – Vintage Ads from 1958 to 1974

Playboy sells itself in this vintage series of advertising

What kind of man reads Playboy? Well, if you believe the vintage ads for the magazine published between 1958 and 1974, the readers of Playboy are all young men, most caucasian, handsome, rich, talented, adventurous, athletic, intelligent, and always surrounded by beautiful women. In reality, it seems this advertising series was primarily intended to market the magazine to advertisers and convince them that readers were not just interested in photos of naked women. Ummm…ok sure 😉