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Jean-Marie Donat – TeddyBär

Jean-Marie Donat's mildly creepy book of men dressed as polar bears

Jean-Marie Donat: This mysterious and mildly terrifying series of vintage photographs taken in Germany between the first World War and the 1960s has now been published in a fascinating book entitled TeddyBär. Finding an old photograph of a man dressed as a polar bear by accident, publisher and art collector Jean-Marie Donat held on to the picture for fifteen years without thinking much about it until discovering a second, then a third similar image. It was then that Jean-Marie Donat had the idea to collect more photographs of these interesting men dressed as polar bears, posing with passersby, on the beach, and even with Nazi soldiers. So strange yet very intriguing – love it! 🙂

Sergey Kolesov – Broken World

Sergey Kolesov's dark & fascinating illustrations

Sergey Kolesov: We love the illustrations of Russian artist Sergey Kolesov, who creates a dark and fascinating world caught between fantasy and science fiction, populated by unique characters, gigantic monsters, and futuristic machines. A very powerful and particular style, Sergey Kolesov’s work is reinforced by a flawless technique and a clever use of light. Awesome stuff! 🙂

High-Rise Official Trailer

High-Rise tells the story of class war in a luxury skyscraper

High-Rise: In the newest trailer for the anticipated film High-Rise, Tom Hiddleston stars as Dr. Robert Laing, the newest resident in a high-tech, luxury skyscraper whose apartment location places him amongst the privileged upper class living the ‘High-Life’, literally and figuratively. However, as power outages become more frequent and building flaws emerge, particularly on the lower floors, the regimented social strata begins to fall apart and the building becomes a battlefield in a literal class war. Looking forward to this one 🙂


Stephen Vuillemin’s Funny Editorial GIFs

Stephen Vuillemin turns his illustrations into fun animated GIFs

Stephen Vuillemin: We love the work of American illustrator Stephen Vuillemin, who specialises in funny editorial illustrations and has turned them into awesome animated GIFs. Usually creating illustrations for publications like the New York Times, Bloomberg, and GQ, Stephen Vuillemin brings an extra dimension to his work with this fun batch of animations. Great stuff! 🙂

Rachel Perry – Lost In My Life

Rachel Perry becomes lost in camouflages of everyday objects

Rachel Perry: With her Lost In My Life project, American artist and photographer Rachel Perry takes the stage, becoming lost in camouflages composed of various everyday objects. Through these interesting self-portraits, Rachel Perry illustrates our addiction to these objects and the endless organisation, cleaning, and shopping that manages our lives. Fantastic work! 🙂

Rage Gear Studios’ X-Men x Rainbow Brite

Rage Gear Studios create rainbow superheroes

Rage Gear Studios: In these very cool illustrations created by Rage Gear Studios, comic book superheroes X-Men meet the cartoon world of Rainbow Brite in a series of colourful mashups. Happy Friday, everyone! 🙂

Bernard Hoffman Captures the ‘Vis-O-Matic’

Bernard Hoffman documents what 'online' shopping looked like in 1950

Bernard Hoffman: Photographed for LIFE magazine by Bernard Hoffman, Canadian entrepreneur Lawrence Freiman imagined the future of retail by creating the Vis-O-Matic, an innovative store where customers could view and make purchases via a futuristic system of photographic slides. Long before the birth of the internet and online shopping, bicycles, dresses, shoes, toys, hats and much more could be ordered by customers and then received via home delivery. Wow, this guy was way ahead of his time – awesome stuff! 🙂

Daniel Serva’s Surreal Universe

Daniel Serva takes us into his unique & dreamlike world

Daniel Serva: We love the surreal photographs of Daniel Serva, a young photographer from Venezuela, who takes us into a dreamlike universe using his images to express doubts, feelings, and emotions through unique and captivating compositions. You can follow his creations on Instagram – Awesome work! 🙂

Ori Toor – Looopism

Ori Toor creates colourful, abstract & mesmerising animated GIFs

Ori Toor: We love the work of artist and graphic designer Ori Toor who is having fun with his project Looopism – creating abstract animated GIFs, which are full of colour and somewhat mesmerising, mixing organic and geometric shapes into beautiful infinite loops.

Loving Vincent Trailer is a Must-Watch

Loving Vincent is an upcoming short film in tribute to Vincent van Gogh

Loving Vincent: We love this first trailer for the upcoming Loving Vincent, an impressive short film in tribute to Vincent van Gogh, which was made with twelve oil paintings per second and achieved by over one hundred painters. Conceived by Polish directors Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman, every painter had to follow three week’s intensive training to learn the style of the famous painter and master various stop motion software. Production of the film continues until late August 2016.

Loving Vincent Loving Vincent Loving Vincent