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Archive For: Art

Caiozzama – Iconic Street Art

Caiozzama creates satirical collages about modern society

Caiozzama: We love the clever satirical collages of Chilean street artist Caiozzama, who plays with the symbols of consumerism and icons of modern society, such as social media and the logos of major global brands. Based in Santiago, Caiozzama’s creations respond to current events taking place in the world, thanks to the sharp and keen eye of the artist, and are a visual commentary on the impacts of globalisation. Awesome stuff!

The Muppets Scooter Raps Eminem’s ‘My Name Is’

The Muppets Scooter rocks in a mashup by Mylo the Cat

The Muppets: Gotta love Scooter from The Muppets performing the Eminem hit song ‘My Name Is’ in the latest Muppet Mashup by Adam Schleichkorn aka ‘Mylo the Cat’. Gold! 🙂

The Muppets

Ivan Alifan – It’s Not Milk

Ivan Alifan creates fascinating oozing & dripping portraits

Ivan Alifan: We love these large format oil paintings created by Russian artist Ivan Alifan, who uses visual ambiguity to generate curiosity, intrigue and slight disgust in his series It’s Not Milk. Through these dripping and oozing portraits, Ivan Alifan explores ideas of sexuality and eroticism with an unsettling modern gaze. Fantastic stuff!

Eating Makeup – What Did We Just Watch?!

Eating Makeup is our WTF of the week

Eating Makeup: Ummm ok, well this is a very strange short film, trashy and completely twisted…so we obviously love it! Imagined and directed by the LA artist Jennifer Juniper Stratford, if you ever wondered what a beauty vlogger’s worst nightmares are made of, we think ‘Eating Makeup’ is a good starting point…Enjoy and Happy Friday, peeps! 🙂

Eating-Makeup-8 Eating-Makeup-5 Eating-Makeup-4

Domenic Bahmann – Stop Think Make

Domenic Bahmann's fresh take on life's everyday objects

Domenic Bahmann: We love this new selection of creations by Australian designer and visual artist Domenic Bahmann, aka Domfriday, who likes to fill his Instagram with interesting conceptual compositions, playing with life’s everyday objects to create funny and somewhat offbeat images.

Horror Movie Super House

Horror Movie Super House is our supercut vid OTD

Horror Movie Super House: In the lead up to Halloween, Andy Schneider and Jonathan Britnell have created an awesome supercut video of some of the most iconic horror movie houses entitled ‘Horror Movie Super House’ featuring footage of creepy and memorable homes including The ExorcistHalloweenThe Shining, and many more. Love it!

Horror Movie Super House 1Horror Movie Super House 2Horror Movie Super House 3

Keren Rosen – What Idioms!

Keren Rosen creates cute illustrations of well-known idioms

Keren Rosen: We love the work of artist Keren Rosen of Dings & Doodles who has created an ongoing collection of cute illustrations portraying the literal meanings of various well-known idioms. Prints of Keren Rosen’s literal idioms are available to purchase online from her Etsy store.

Jurassic World Trailer circa 1978

What Jurassic World would've looked like in 1978

Jurassic World: Video editor and Jurassic Park fan, Frank Ireland spent 17 weeks creating a fake movie trailer for Jurassic World that brilliantly imagines what the 2015 film would have looked like if released in 1978, using clips from over 47 different classic movies to create his awesome Jurassic World trailer. This is genius – LOVE it! 🙂

Jurassic world

Maysgrafx – Psychedelic Art of Justin Mays

Maysgrafx mashes digital collage and glitch design

Maysgrafx: Loving the psychedelic creations of Justin Mays, aka Maysgrafx, designer and animator based in Los Angeles, who mixes digital collages and glitch art to create visually explosive and colourful neon compositions. Selected art prints by Maysgrafx are currently available for purchase via society6 – Awesome stuff! 🙂

Tiny Hamster Does Halloween

Tiny Hamster goes trick-or-treating with his besties

Tiny Hamster: The interweb’s favourite Tiny Hamster got into the Halloween mood by dressing up as the infamous ‘Subway Pizza Rat‘ before heading into a haunted house with some of his besties including a robot-inspired guinea pig and a blonde wig wearing bunny. In the spirit of Halloween, Tiny Hamster has also been busy writing his very own book documenting what happened when he accidentally ate some oozy green stuff entitled Tiny Hamster Is a Monster. Is there anything Tiny Hamster can’t do?!

Tiny Hamster