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Archive For: Pop Culture

The Wizard of Oz and Age of Ultron Mashup

The Wizard of Oz and Age of Ultron Mashup is our vid of the day

The Wizard of Oz and Age of Ultron Mashup: We LOVE this short video by Australian visual effects artist Darren Wallace, who has put together this awesome The Wizard of Oz and Age of Ultron Mashup. It’s a must-watch – so clever!

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Shawn Huckins – Hipsters Be Like

Shawn Huckins recreates 19th century paintings with a social media edge

Shawn Huckins: Check out this series by American artist Shawn Huckins, who, with acrylic paint, reproduces great pieces of American painting from the 19th century and superimposes oversized white lettering inspired by modern social media and text messaging jargon. For many more, pay a visit to Shawn’s website. Love it! 🙂

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Roisin Hahessy – What an Idiom!

Roisin Hahessy explains English idioms with cute & funny illustrations

Roisin Hahessy: We love these original and funny illustrations explaining English expressions – ‘idioms’ – by Roisin Hahessy, an illustrator who also currently teaches English in Brazil. A very cute and quirky way to understand the hidden meaning of idioms. To enjoy more artwork from Roisin Hahessy, we highly recommend a visit to her website. Enjoy – Happy Friday, everyone! 🙂

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Hoverboard is Happening!!

Hoverboard, the flying skateboard, from 'Back to the Future II' is being developed by Lexus

Hoverboard: If you are anything like us, you have been patiently waiting for this legendary flying skateboard since you first saw ‘Back to the Future II’ many moons ago. Well, peeps, the wait might be over as it seems via the Lexus SLIDE project, Japanese designer Haruhiko Tanahashi has created the first real hoverboard. However…although what we see on the Lexus website is beautiful, and apparently usable, we can’t get too ahead of ourselves – this prototype currently uses superconductivity via magnets and liquid nitrogen in order to fly above a metal plate 🙁 So don’t expect to be flying around the streets hooked to the back of a futuristic car just yet…but we’re getting there! YES, YES, YES!!!

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Sacha Goldberger – ‘Family Portrait’

Sacha Goldberger blends pop culture, superheroes & classical Flemish painting

Sacha Goldberger: A continuation of his 2014 ‘Super Flemish’ series, ‘Family Portrait’ is a new photo series by talented French photographer Sacha Goldberger who mixes pop culture, superheroes, Flemish painting and the Elizabethan era to create these unique family portraits, featuring awesome vintage versions of Wolverine, Captain America, Han Solo, Hulk, Wonder Woman, the Joker, Batman and so on. The full collection of photos are available to view on Sacha Goldberger’s website and Facebook page. We LOVE it! 🙂

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Strokemon – Our WTF of the Day

Strokemon, the 'Pokemon' porn parody, is simply terrifying!

Strokemon: There are times in life when even WTF is not enough! Presenting ‘Strokemon’, a terrifying porn parody of ‘Pokemon‘ created by the Woodrocket studio who specialise in adult parodies of cult series and movies. This will definitely add some fuel to your nightmares for the next 10 years…and then some. Can’t. Even.

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Stephen McMennamy – ComboPhoto

Stephen McMennamy's clever photo mashups

Stephen McMennamy: We love the fantastic ‘ComboPhoto’ series by American photographer Stephen McMennamy, who has a laugh on Instagram and Tumblr juxtaposing unrelated photos to create funny and very clever mashups. Great stuff! 🙂

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Michael Murphy – ‘Perceptual Shift’

Michael Murphy creates impressive suspended sculptures

Michael Murphy: We love these fascinating suspended sculptures by Brooklyn, NY artist Michael Murphy, who uses hundreds of suspended elements to create one final image visible from a single point of view. His latest creation, ‘Perceptual Shift’, is made up of 1200 black spheres, forming a perfectly shaped eye if you’re in exactly the right spot and is currently visible at the I.M.A.G.E. gallery. For more of Michael Murphy’s amazing creations, we suggest a visit to his website. Awesome stuff! 🙂

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The New International Sound Pt. II by GENER8ION + M.I.A.

'The New International Sound Pt. II' is our music video of the day

The New International Sound Pt. II: Produced by Bromance Records and directed by Inigo Westmeier, the official music video for ‘The New International Sound Pt. II’ by GENER8ION + M.I.A. features 36,000 students of Shaolin Tagou, the biggest fighting school for kids in China. WOW, this vid is epic and will have you totally mesmerised! Check it out.

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