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Dismaland Bemusement Park Trailer

Dismaland Bemusement Park gets its own promo vid

Dismaland Bemusement Park: So on the back of its opening, Banksy has released the official trailer for his Dismaland Bemusement Park art installation which highlights several pieces Banksy curated from more than fifty artists around the world, collectively providing a dark and decayed view of theme parks and commercial recreation. Love it!! 🙂

Dismaland Bemusement Park

Dismaland presented by Banksy

Dismaland is a satirical group exhibition inspired by Disneyland

Dismaland: So we lost our shit when we saw street artist Banksy had finally unveiled Dismaland, a satirical group exhibition inspired by Disneyland. Dismaland brings together many artists from around the world in a giant parody of our consumer society as seen through a trashy, decaying theme park. After rumours and first photos began popping up on the web, the Dismaland project released an official website presenting a map of the park, but also the list of artists including Damien Hirst, Josh Keyes, Escif, Axel Void, Brock Davis, Espo, Mike Ross and of course Banksy. The Dismaland exhibition, located in the Weston-super-Mare in the UK, is open from 22nd August until 27th September 2015. Amazeballs! – LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE  🙂


David Lynch – ‘The Alphabet’

David Lynch does the ABCs in this bizarre short film

David Lynch: In 1968, director David Lynch created the short film ‘The Alphabet’, a bizarre and slightly terrifying recitation of the ABCs that seems to invoke and reflect an extreme fear of learning. This work is very interesting and helps reiterate David Lynch as a true artist in every sense. Definitely worth a watch.

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Balls by Mimi Leung

Balls is animated gold and our video OTD

Balls: Inspired by the athleticism and sports-loving nature of Australians, digital artist Mimi Leung started thinking about the huge variety of balls-related games out there, made a list of types of balls and set that list to music. She then took this idea and developed an animated video, hand drawn, frame by frame, for the song which focuses on speed, fluidity and…well…balls! This is awesome, enjoy! 🙂

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K. Henderson – Pop Realism

K. Henderson pays tribute to her childhood and 60s & 70s pop culture

K. Henderson: We love these hyperrealist paintings by American artist K. Henderson, who pays tribute to her childhood with still lifes composed of vintage toys, books, board games and comics, mainly from pop culture of the 60s and 70s. Awesome work! 🙂

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Jason Peterson – Follow me into the Dark

Jason Peterson creates beautiful, black & white instagram photos

Jason Peterson: We LOVE ‘Follow me into the Dark’ – a selection of beautiful, black and white Instagram photographs by Jason Peterson, which capture various, contrasting cities, people and urban landscapes in dark yet captivating images. Amazing contemporary work!

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Mothmeister – Wounderland

Mothmeister create images caught between nightmares and taxidermy

Mothmeister: We’re intrigued by the latest creations from artists Mothmeister who create somewhat frightening photographs that are caught between our worst nightmares and old-world taxidermy and feature objects from their vast cabinet of curiosities. Their Wounderland series leads us into a strange and disturbing world which is inhabited by scary creatures and deformed animals. Creepy as yet we love their haunting impact.

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Lexus Hoverboard is real and here’s the proof

Lexus Hoverboard comes to life in this AWESOME demonstration vid

Lexus Hoverboard: Not too long ago, we posted that Lexus had created the hoverboard prototype we’ve all been dreaming of since Marty McFly flew through the air in Back to the Future II. Well, all skeptics will be happy to know…they actually have and there’s proof that the Lexus Hoverboard IS real! It seems Lexus aren’t really breaking any new ground here – all they’ve done is apply existing superconducting magnetic levitation technology. Industry experts who have tried the Lexus Hoverboard describe it as very difficult to ride yet at the same time unbelievably cool as you are levitating – the feeling so unique that they have nothing else they can compare it to, the closest is ice skating, but even that’s like comparing the finest silk to 300 grit sandpaper. So, is this finally Marty McFly’s hoverboard fully realised? Unfortunately not (insert tear). The Lexus hoverboard requires filling with liquid nitrogen every 10 minutes or so, and only works if your local skate park has several hundred thousand dollars worth of magnets built into its surface (the Lexus Hoverboard skate park was custom built). It’s also probably the most expensive thing Lexus currently produces, making its chances of hitting the store shelves anytime soon almost nil. However, none of that is the point…this is just so AWESOMEEEEEE!!! Check out all the videos below but the first one is a must watch. Enjoy! 🙂

It’s Here!! 🙂 Watch the Lexus Hoverboard in action





The Full Story

The Daily Splice

The Daily Splice creates collages from London newspapers & mags

The Daily Splice: Loving the clever creations of British artist Adam Hale, aka The Daily Splice, who uses free newspapers and magazines around London to create a new collage every day, cutting up assorted photographs and assembling them by hand. Awesome stuff! 🙂

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Gabriel Moreno – Animalistic Beauty

Gabriel Moreno merges feminine sensuality, tattoos and animals

Gabriel Moreno: We LOVE the creations of Spanish illustrator, graphic designer and artist Gabriel Moreno, who imagines colourful and captivating compositions made with a mixture of watercolour, pen and digital painting. Gabriel Moreno has also worked for many brands and publications, such as Nike, The Wall Street Journal, Rolex, Victoria’s Secret, GQ and Rolling Stone. Awesome work!

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