KFC wants a Selfie of you…eating greasy chicken
KFC's chicken bucket doubles as an instant photo printer - WTF?!
KFC: So, to celebrate 60 years in Canada, KFC have created a new chicken bucket that doubles as an instant photo printer. The ‘Memories Bucket’ is a new high-tech, limited-edition big bucket that helps you print your photo on the go as you’re creating them. W. T. F.?! While specs of this device are limited, the functionality seems simple enough – it’s a standard instant photo printer that’s bucket shaped. First, snap a photo on your phone and once the printer is on, select your pic and send it to the printer via Bluetooth. KFC says on its Facebook page that it will be releasing more details about this bucket photo printer soon, and will be giving a few of them away as well. No word yet on whether it will be commercially available to anyone or in any other country (Aussie summer cricket gold!). Oh dear…this is bound to end in disaster. Who on earth wants a pic of someone with potato n’ gravy all over their face? Actually, second thoughts…this could be quite useful. Dirty birdy lol