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Simpsonized by Adrien Noterdaem

Simpsonized turns cult TV & movies into Simpsons characters

With his Simpsonized series, Belgian illustrator Adrien Noterdaem, aka ADN, turns cult TV and movies into Simpsons characters, from Star Wars to Ghostbusters through to Pulp Fiction, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, The Goonies, Mad Max and many, many more. Very cool indeed – LOVE! 🙂

LEGO Comes Alive!

LEGO minifigs create beautiful pics in the 'Legographie' series

LEGO: We love the ‘Legographie’ series created by French photographer Sofiane Samlal, who has fun staging his LEGO minifigs into beautiful photographs, which are both cute and funny. Fantastic work!

LEGO 1LEGO 2Samsofy-Legographie-26 LEGO 3 LEGO 4 LEGO 5 LEGO 6 LEGO 7 LEGO 8 10 7 -6 5 3 22 14 23 11 21 9 18 2 25 15 8 19 4 16