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Stephen Vuillemin’s Funny Editorial GIFs

Stephen Vuillemin turns his illustrations into fun animated GIFs

Stephen Vuillemin: We love the work of American illustrator Stephen Vuillemin, who specialises in funny editorial illustrations and has turned them into awesome animated GIFs. Usually creating illustrations for publications like the New York Times, Bloomberg, and GQ, Stephen Vuillemin brings an extra dimension to his work with this fun batch of animations. Great stuff! 🙂

Gabriel Moreno – Animalistic Beauty

Gabriel Moreno merges feminine sensuality, tattoos and animals

Gabriel Moreno: We LOVE the creations of Spanish illustrator, graphic designer and artist Gabriel Moreno, who imagines colourful and captivating compositions made with a mixture of watercolour, pen and digital painting. Gabriel Moreno has also worked for many brands and publications, such as Nike, The Wall Street Journal, Rolex, Victoria’s Secret, GQ and Rolling Stone. Awesome work!

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