Fulvio Obregon imagines actors & celebrities posing with their younger selves
Fulvio Obregon: For his series ‘Me and My Other Me’, illustrator Fulvio Obregon has imagined actors and celebrities posing with the younger versions of themselves, from Steve Jobs to Mick Jagger through to Al Pacino, Bill Gates, Michael Jackson, and Robert de Niro. LOVE it – awesome stuff!
Inception on Elm Street is an awesome mashup of ‘Inception’ & ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’
Inception on Elm Street: Los Angeles filmmaker Pablo Fernández Eyre has created ‘Inception on Elm Street’, an awesome mashup of Inception and A Nightmare on Elm Street where Leonardo DiCaprio hunts down the master of evil, Freddy Krueger. LOVE it!
Matthew Rolston creates portraits of old ventriloquist dummies
Matthew Rolston: Published in the book Talking Heads: The Vent Haven Portraits, American photographer Matthew Rolston has captured portraits of old ventriloquist dummies, now unused and abandoned, exhibited at the Vent Haven Museum in Kentucky. Through his photographs, Matthew Rolston seems to revive these objects, which were once the centre of performances and shows, and also the popular beliefs, fears and phobias that often accompany such puppets made of wood. We really love these images although they are somewhat unsettling – Happy Friday!
But the most exciting development has to be the new attention given to the long-neglected Apple TV with a brand new tvOS that will incorporate Siri voice commands, access to the App Store, a cleaner flat design and an updated remote control that uses swipe technology. The updated version will be available at the end of October 2015.
Hipsta: We can’t get enough of the new re-worked track ‘Hipsta’ by Timmy Trumpet & Chardy but now featuring comedy duo the Bondi Hipsters, which lampoons the everyday life of the modern Australian hipster, a breed of dickbag all Aussies love to hate. LOL, it’s very clever and nails it on so many different levels – we’ve been laughing since it first dropped. Definitely worth a watch – check it out below
Socality Barbie documents the life of a hipster Barbie
Socality Barbie: Socality Barbie is the Instagram account of a hipster Barbie, who is now at more than 699,000 followers. An unexpected and ironic success, Socality Barbie was created by a professional photographer, based in Oregon, who wanted above all to parody the similarity of all Instagram accounts. Very funny and clever – Barbie never looked so random
Wes Craven is remembered in the horror supercut 'Screams'
Wes Craven: In tribute to the life and career of director Wes Craven, who passed away on Sunday, ScreenCrush presents ‘Screams’, a supercut compilation of some many iconic scenes from his films in honour of the horror master. Rest in peace.