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Ivan Alifan – It’s Not Milk

Ivan Alifan creates fascinating oozing & dripping portraits

Ivan Alifan: We love these large format oil paintings created by Russian artist Ivan Alifan, who uses visual ambiguity to generate curiosity, intrigue and slight disgust in his series It’s Not Milk. Through these dripping and oozing portraits, Ivan Alifan explores ideas of sexuality and eroticism with an unsettling modern gaze. Fantastic stuff!

Alex Garant – Seeing Double

Alex Garant's portraits create a strange surreal illusion

Alex Garant: Using traditional oil painting techniques, Canadian visual artist Alex Garant creates beautiful portraits, splitting the eyes of her models to produce a strange sensation of movement and a surreal illusion which makes you feel a slight loss of focus and concentration. To see more of Alex Garant’s 2015 work ‘Blur’ and the ‘Double Eyes’ series, we recommend a visit to the website. Fantastic stuff! 🙂

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